Author Archives: leslie

Didn’t you know this stuff ?


Read this:

Then ask yourself how much of it “felt right” to you?

And i you can remember back to that survey course you took in History of Philosophy as an undergraduate, consider it in the context of Plato’s Charioteer Allegory.  After all, whether you knew it at the time or not, those philosophy courses were one of the most important parts of your education as a fund raiser!



Opera is dead. Really?

Opera is dead.  Really?

On the Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” (now there’s a word that should have never been born), Christopher Ingraham posits that opera is dead, based on an analysis of works produced by the Metropolitan Opera that shows that the Met rarely performs operas created in the past 50 years.   He asserts that ” opera ceased to exist as a contemporary art form roughly around 1970″.

You can read the whole thing here:

Decide for yourself.

Your first time at a Board meeting

I’m doing some work today to help a client prepare for the first Board meeting of a brand new non-profit organization.  Heady stuff!

While I was poking around on the Interwebs, I found this wonderful article on Fast Company about this very thing:

It’s a quick read by Alice Korngold that outlines some Do’s and Don’ts for the first time Board member, whether it’s first time as an npo Board member or first time as a new Board member.

Some Arts Institutions Deserve to Fail

Did you read Terry Teachout in the Wall Street Journal this morning?  Is he writing about your organization?


Read it here:

If you missed this column in today’s edition of The New York Times or on Arts Journal, find it here:

Critic Michael Kimmelman makes one of the most important comments ever about the inevitability of art when he says “But as the years have gone by, art continues to be found, refusing oblivion.”


Recovered plundered art

Recovered plundered art


LinkedIn – how important is it?  Really?

How much time should you be spending on it?

Does anyone really use the “recommendations”?

Here’s a thought about LinkedIn connections from the Harvard Business


Use This Test Before Connecting With Someone on LinkedIn

Even committed LinkedIn users can be uncertain of which connection requests to accept or extend. It’s possible to connect to almost anyone—but that doesn’t mean you should. Instead, think about the two-way quality of your relationships. Use a filter to help you connect to those people who will be able to help you, or whom you would be willing to help. Try the “favor test”: Would you do a favor for this person, or ask a favor of them? If so, make the connection. If not, take a pass. If you’re consistent in applying the favor test and selective about which connections you initiate and accept, you can tap LinkedIn’s power as an introduction machine: an address book in which all the entries can see and connect with one another, and a network that’s efficient in supporting your professional goals.

Adapted from “Should I Accept that LinkedIn Invitation?” by Alexandra Samuel.